Thursday, November 22, 2012

What can be done to resolve this problem?

Certain groups such as the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the Department of Public Works created a project to minimize the damage caused by drain runoff. They introduced swales to catch runoff and keep it in the soil. This, however, eventually overwhelmed the soil and made it difficult for more sensitive native vegetation to grow healthily.

The Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency are lobbying a Recycled Water Management Plan. This would create plants around the city to recycle water and minimize the amount of drain runoff. These are the types of solutions we need.

We absolutely can not just minimize the damage done to Lake Merced. What we can do is improve the gutter system itself in order to prevent any more pollutants from entering the lake or the surrounding soil and let nature restore itself. We should also re-open certain channels to replenish the lake with fresh water and further increase the rate of restoration.

But how can we get this done? How can we send the message out that the Lake needs our help? Through awareness. We need to spread the message and help people understand the importance of voting for propositions that help restore Lake Merced. Through awareness and activism, we can bring back the crystal clear waters of Lake Merced for our children.

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